Dog sports are a great way to keep your training sharp and your relationship with your dog strong. Whether you’re looking to compete or just for fun we have a class for you!
Many of our introductory sport classes are offered a few times per year, these classes are started once we have enough people to make a class “go”. If you are interested in getting started with any of these sports, please call us to be put on the waiting list. When we have a class ready we will contact you first. Don’t delay, these spots go quickly! If you AND your dog have experience in these sports, give us a call to see what experienced class is right for you. We have classes and instructors operating at all levels of training to accommodate your level and needs.
Want to get started right away? Private lessons are a great place to prepare yourself and your pup for group class and get one on one attention to build skills.
Focus & Foundations
This is a great starter class to work on attention in a group class setting before jumping into sports or regular obedience classes!
This is a relationship building course to help you and your dog work through the realities of life, with all its distractions. You will learn how to help your dog focus on you in new environments, how to build confidence in unfamiliar settings/surfaces, and how to set your dog up for success in new situations.
Specifically we will work on, engagement, loose leash walking, managing arousal, basics of learning, distractions, toy play, body awareness/confidence games and exercises like spin, touch, leg weaves, climbing onto new surfaces and more!
This class focuses on the foundations before obedience to help you strengthen your relationship with your dog and help your dog stay engaged with you everywhere; not just at home.
Agility is a fast-paced sport and is as much fun for the dog as it is for the owner. Dogs are taught to race through a course of jumps, tunnels, tire, A-frame, dog walk beam, and teeter-totter. This is an activity the whole family can enjoy. Dogs of all types and sizes, purebred and mixed breed compete together. It’s just about the most fun a dog can have with its people!
We offer new Introduction to Agility classes several times a year. Classes tend to progress as a “unit” as all the dogs learn and practice skills together - you learn, train, and grow as a team with your classmates!
Focus & Foundations, Beginner Obedience or its equivalent in training is necessary before beginning agility classes. Because Intro to Agility classes only start a few times a year, start your training now so you are ready to go when a class is offered!
We instruct in all different venues - USDAA, AKC, NADAC, & CPE.
K9 Nose work
K9 Nose Work is a sport that uses a dog’s natural hunting abilities to locate a specific set of odors. We start out by teaching your dog the game, then expand to large rooms, vehicle searches, and all kinds of exterior searches! If your dog can sniff, your dog can participate in Nose Work!
Dogs of all ages and physical abilities excel in Nose Work - it is an especially great activity for senior dogs to keep them engaged and active. Dogs that might be timid or reactive also build confidence and do very well in Nose Work - only one dog searches at a time and dogs do not interact with each other during classes or searching.
Students that are currently on odor, please contact us to find the right class for you to join! All levels of handlers are welcome in our classes.
Rally Obedience
If your dog has some understanding of loose-leash walking at your left side (Heeling), and Sit and Down behaviors, you and your dog can have a lot of fun learning and practicing Rally Obedience.
Similar to agility, dogs and handlers navigate a numbered course and perform trained behaviors listed at each station. Dogs love the engagement with their handlers when following the course, and handlers love the increased obedience skills their dogs acquire!
We tailor our Rally classes to the skill level of the students involved - some of our students participate because their dog enjoys it, others are competing at AKC and UKC trials.
Tricks classes are a great way to have fun with your dog as you develop your training skills and increase your dog’s confidence. Additionally, teaching your dog to do tricks helps to build teamwork and burn off excess energy! It is so much fun to “show off” the skills your dog has learned.
Students at all levels of trick training are welcome in classes! We tailor the learning experience to the level each team is working at - need help refining or teaching an advanced trick? We can help with that!
At the end of each class there is an opportunity to earn an AKC Trick Dog Title.